DUI Attorney in Mesa, AZ
Fighting to Help You Avoid the Most Serious Penalties for Impaired Driving Charges
While some people may view impaired driving charges as less serious than other crimes, the potential consequences of a conviction prove otherwise. In addition to many of the same criminal penalties available under other misdemeanor and felony charges, there are also administrative, insurance, and other repercussions of a DUI conviction. For these reasons and many others, it’s critical that you take any allegations of impaired driving seriously. A conviction might be avoidable, and an experienced Mesa DUI lawyer may be able to assist.
At The Turner Law Firm, PLLC, you’ll work directly with a dedicated Arizona criminal defense attorney who will fight to secure the best possible outcome in your case. Over the years, this has meant the dismissal of many DUI cases brought against our clients. Of course, dismissal won’t always be possible, and in these situations, our law firm can fight to secure an acquittal or a fair plea deal on your behalf. Every case is different, so the best way to understand your options is to sit down with a Mesa, AZ DUI lawyer and discuss your case.
Let our Arizona DUI team work hard to avoid serious disruption to your life.
What Are the Potential Penalties for a DUI Conviction?
When a person decides to hire a Mesa, AZ DUI defense lawyer, it’s typically because they’re concerned about the potential consequences they’ll face. It’s not an exaggeration to say that Arizona DUI laws are among the strictest in the nation. Criminal law is relatively strict across America when it comes to impaired driving, but for a first offense, people are often able to leave jail after a day and start rebuilding their lives. This simply isn’t the case if you’re facing a Mesa DUI conviction. In fact, even a first offense could land someone behind bars for six months.
Here are the penalties you need to worry about:
Standard DUI (BAC of 0.08% to 0.149%
When a person has a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08-0.149%, they are charged with a standard DUI. However, experienced DUI attorneys in Mesa can attest to the fact that there’s nothing “standard” about the repercussions:
First Offense
- Minimum 10 days of jail time
- Fines and fees around $1,500
- License suspension for 90 days
- Ignition interlock device (IID) required for a minimum of one year
Second Offense
- Minimum 90 days in jail
- Fines and fees are approximately $3,500
- License suspension for one year
- IID required for one year
- At least 30 hours of community service
Extreme DUI (BAC of 0.15% to 0.199%
An extreme DUI is charged whenever someone’s BAC ranges from 0.15-0.199% when arrested. These drunk driving charges are particularly serious. While some states treat being above the legal limit similarly regardless of a person’s BAC, Arizona provides extreme DUI penalties for high BAC levels:
First Offense
- Minimum of 30 days behind bars
- Up to six months jail sentence
- Up to five years of probation
- Required alcohol and drug screening
- Fines and fees around $2,500
- Loss of driver’s license for 90 days
- IID requirement for at least one year
Second Offense
- Minimum jail time of 120 days
- Potential for six months incarceration
- Up to five years probation
- Required alcohol and drug screening
- Fines and fees around $3,750
- Loss of driver’s license for one year
- IID requirement for at least one year
Super Extreme DUI (BAC of .20% or More)
When a person’s BAC is 0.20% or higher, the DUI prosecutor will try to maximize the penalties against the defendant. The potential penalties for a super extreme DUI are among the most serious for misdemeanor criminal charges. They include:
First Offense
- Minimum of 45 days in jail
- Maximum sentence of six months
- Required alcohol and drug screening
- Fines and fees approximately $3,250
- Driver’s license suspension, a minimum of 90 days
- IID required for at least one year
Second Offense
- Minimum of six months in jail
- Required alcohol and drug screening
- Fines and fees of approximately $4,650
- Driver’s license revocation for one year
- IID requirement increases to at least two years
- Community service of 30 hours
Can DUI Be Charged as a Felony in Arizona?
If you’re charged with an aggravated DUI, Arizona law is going to be particularly harsh on you. In these felony DUI cases, even a first offense can result in a four-month prison sentence. While fines and fees can vary depending on the circumstances of your situation, they’ll always be significant. You’ll also see your driver’s license suspended for three years, and an ignition interlock device requirement exists for a minimum of two years. So, what aggravating factors can result in felony charges in DUI cases? Any of the following:
- Impaired driving on a suspended or revoked license
- Third DUI offense charged within seven years
- Impaired driving with a child under 15 in the vehicle
- Impaired driving while under an IID requirement
If you’re facing felony DUI charges, it’s important to understand what you’re up against. A felony isn’t some simple criminal charge that you can just walk away from. In addition to the legal consequences the courts will impose, there are also administrative consequences and restrictions on your freedoms. Your right to own firearms and even vote could be affected. While anyone charged with impaired driving should seek the help of a DUI lawyer in Mesa, individuals facing felony charges often experience catastrophic consequences when they don’t go this route.
At The Turner Law Firm, we’ve seen the disastrous consequences of taking on the state alone — and we don’t think anyone deserves such an outcome. Contact us today to schedule your confidential consultation.
What Should You Do After a DUI Arrest?
One of the scariest things a person can experience is seeing flashing blue lights in their rearview mirror. We’re supposed to view police as our protectors, but in our complex legal system, the reality is that encountering one often means your day is ruined. When cops pull over your motor vehicle, there’s a chance you won’t be leaving without a ticket — but if you’re suspected of impaired driving, you likely won’t be leaving at all. At least not on your own. Once police place you under arrest, following a few specific tips can decrease your odds of facing serious penalties:
- Cooperate with law enforcement: Even if you believe you’re innocent, arguing or resisting will only result in additional charges
- Remain silent: You always have the right to remain silent. Tell the police your name, but do not share details about your night or discuss your case with anyone
- Understand the charges: Make sure you confirm whether you’re facing felony or misdemeanor DUI charges. Take note of your alleged BAC and any aggravating factors mentioned
- Document the incident: As soon as possible, document everything you remember about the arrest. Include what you drank, how much, and the circumstances of your stop
- Secure your release: If bail is required, contact a bail bondsman, family member, or attorney
- Request a hearing for your driver’s license: You have a small amount of time to request an administrative hearing in order to contest your license suspension
- Hire an attorney: Attempting to beat DUI charges without an experienced attorney is often a costly and ineffective endeavor
- Attend all court dates: Prepare for your case and attend all hearings scheduled by the judge
- Avoid additional trouble: Do not drive on a suspended license, and avoid alcohol/drugs if doing so is part of your release conditions
Looking for the top Mesa DUI attorney can be a difficult task — mostly because “top” is a subjective term. One attorney may be best for a certain case based on its unique circumstances, and another legal professional may be preferable based on separate circumstances in that case. The one truth that remains for every criminal defense lawyer is that they want you to do everything possible to make the prosecutor’s job more difficult. By doing so, you’ll make your attorney’s efforts to secure a favorable outcome much more likely to succeed.
Of course, not everyone knows how to respond after being arrested. Perhaps you’ve already spoken with the police. Maybe you told them you don’t have a valid prescription for a medication you had, or perhaps you admitted to being impaired. Young adults often immediately confess to everything when facing an underage DUI charge — because after all, they rarely understand their rights. The moral of the story is that mistakes don’t mean there’s no hope. They simply mean hiring a Mesa DUI lawyer is even more important. Contact our law firm today to discuss your case.
How Important Is Hiring a Mesa DUI Attorney?
Whether you find yourself in Mesa Municipal Court (misdemeanor DUI) or Maricopa County Superior Court (felony DUI), it’s crucial to have an experienced Mesa DUI lawyer on your side. The simple fact is that the deck is stacked against you. The police officer who arrested you, the prosecutor bringing charges, and every expert the prosecution claims can prove your guilt are hoping for you to slip up. The reality of a DUI conviction in Arizona is daunting — with people being snatched from their lives and facing ongoing penalties that long outlast a single arrest.
Perhaps it seems like avoiding a conviction is not possible. Maybe you’re accused of reckless driving and someone else’s prescription drugs were found on you. Perhaps you allegedly failed a field sobriety test and then the breathalyzer test showed you well over the legal limit. Regardless of the underlying circumstances of your case, experienced defense attorneys have been able to secure charge dismissals for their clients. In fact, there have been multiple recent instances where thousands of DUI convictions were called into question over faulty breathalyzer tests and police misconduct.
When you visit our law office, we’ll give your case an in-depth review. Even if the evidence seems overwhelming, simple mistakes on the part of the police officer, evidence technicians, prosecutors, and other government actors can make such evidence inadmissible. In other instances, the evidence that prosecutors claim to have may be unreliable. An experienced attorney can review your situation and identify potential weaknesses in the state’s case. Whether you’re facing a DUI felony or misdemeanor charge, speaking to a Mesa DUI lawyer today is always in your best interest.
Should You Just Agree to a Plea Deal?
One of the primary reasons that people question whether they need a Mesa DUI attorney is the fact that they don’t need one for a plea deal. The reality is that the overwhelming majority of criminal charges — including DUI offenses — are resolved with plea negotiations. Most individuals accused of this crime never go to trial. You might feel you’re in a situation where the evidence against you is overwhelming. Maybe the prosecutor has offered what seems like a fair deal that helps you avoid major consequences. Even in these cases, it’s important to never accept a deal without speaking to a lawyer.
The reality of your situation is that the Mesa city prosecutor wants to maximize the penalties you face. Sometimes, they don’t have the evidence to justify such penalties — so they’ll lie about the strength of their case. They might also overcharge defendants in order to use reduced charges as a bargaining chip during plea negotiations. Whether you’re facing a DUI drug or alcohol charge, it’s important to realize that there are effective legal strategies that can result in charge dismissal or acquittal at trial. Most people will never recognize this if they quickly accept a plea deal.
Of course, there will be situations where a plea deal is in the defendant’s best interest. This is very common in the legal system, but even in these situations, you shouldn’t accept the first offer from the prosecutor. Instead, our Mesa DUI lawyers can negotiate a fair deal on your behalf. For instance, it’s often possible to have aggravated DUI charges reduced to a misdemeanor DUI. Unfortunately, you’ll never know if you fail to seek legal help. Even worse, you might never realize that certain legal strategies could’ve helped avoid conviction altogether.
What Legal Strategies Do Mesa DUI Lawyers Utilize?
Many people are surprised to learn just how many DUI defense strategies there truly are. Sadly, most individuals who have accepted plea deals in the past only learn about these potential defenses when it’s too late. If you’re currently facing charges, then there’s still time to put such strategies to work for you. Mesa, AZ lawyers who handle impaired driving cases know when these defense arguments are relevant. If effective, any of these strategies can result in dismissed charges or acquittal at trial:
- Unlawful stop or insufficient cause for arrest
- Questioning field sobriety tests (e.g., improper administration, physical conditions, environmental factors)
- Challenge blood alcohol results (e.g., uncalibrated breathalyzer, contaminated blood sample)
- Rising BAC defense
- Alcohol was not the cause of impairment (e.g., fatigue, illness)
- Constitutional or procedural violations
- Lack of evidence
- Lack of control of vehicle
- Malfunctioning IID
Any current or former DUI prosecutor can tell you that these DUI defense strategies have the potential to be effective when utilized correctly. However, they also know that defendants who know about these arguments often misuse them when they’re not represented by experienced DUI attorneys in Mesa. Even if you’ve got a public defender — who statistics prove is likely overworked and underpaid — there’s a chance they may not effectively argue your case. After all, they’re carrying a caseload that’s three times higher than recommended on average. They typically just want cases done quickly.
When you work with a Mesa DUI lawyer at The Turner Law Firm, you’ll have dedicated legal representation on your side who’s more concerned with a favorable outcome on your behalf than “speeding things along.” We’ll fight to help you avoid penalties ranging from license suspension to jail time — and everything else in between. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.
Contact a DUI Lawyer in Mesa, AZ Today
If you’re in search of a Mesa DUI attorney, it’s likely because you’ve realized the potential penalties for impaired driving could seriously disrupt your life. An alcohol or drug DUI conviction in our state has consequences that can last a lifetime. Even if you’re not charged with a felony and facing regular DUI charges, can you imagine what ten days removed from your life can do? This is the minimum sentence for a first offense, and the punishment is to take you away from your job, family, friends, and responsibilities for a third of a month? Sadly, things only get worse from there.
At The Turner Law Firm, PLLC, you’ll have a dedicated criminal defense team on your side who will continuously fight for your best interests. No one can guarantee a specific outcome when their clients are facing Mesa DUI charges, but our law firm can guarantee to do everything in our power to secure a favorable outcome on your behalf. The road ahead is never easy when someone is charged with impaired driving, but with a legal professional advocating for your rights, a significant burden can be lifted off your shoulders. Let our DUI lawyers in Mesa, AZ assist.
Contact us at (623) 253-8718 to schedule your confidential case evaluation.