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Divorce Lawyers Mesa, AZ

Finding yourself caught up in the criminal justice process is never an enviable position. From petty theft to sex crimes and DUI to homicide, facing allegations under criminal law has very real and very long-term repercussions.

Even if you’re able to escape the most serious consequences — such as prison time and asset forfeiture — a criminal conviction can disrupt the rest of your life. Fortunately, the legal process is not something you have to navigate on your own. With the help of a criminal defense lawyer in Mesa, AZ, it’s possible to secure a favorable outcome.

At The Turner Law Firm, PLLC, our dedicated legal team prides itself on providing an aggressive criminal defense for each of our clients. We’ve seen what can happen when individuals accused of a crime defer to a public defender when facing serious criminal charges. Put simply, the results are frequently far worse than necessary.

Both misdemeanor and felony convictions can result in imprisonment, substantial fines, the loss of certain freedoms, and a variety of other damaging effects — and if you don’t have reliable legal representation, the risk of such penalties can greatly increase.

Don’t risk your freedom and future on an overworked public defender. Contact our law office today to schedule a confidential consultation.

Why Is It Important to Hire a Mesa Criminal Defense Lawyer?

If you’ve been arrested for a crime, you may be asking yourself whether to hire a Mesa criminal defense law firm. Those who aren’t facing allegations might look at the situation and say, “Of course you should hire an attorney.

It’s your freedom on the line!” However, situations can look very different from the inside. Perhaps the evidence against you seems overwhelming. Maybe the prosecutor has even offered to dismiss charges of serious felonies against you if you accept a plea deal. Then again, you might just be in a situation where you’re confident that the evidence will exonerate you.

Unfortunately, these assumptions very frequently leave individuals with unnecessary criminal records and limitations on their rights. The most important thing to understand is that the legal system isn’t just based on how much evidence exists against a person.

There are specific rules and guidelines that authorities must follow, and even a slight deviation can result in evidence being excluded. Whether you’re facing charges under our state DUI laws or allegations of far more serious crimes, the potential for a favorable outcome often exists even when the evidence seems damning.

Of course, there are also individuals who believe the evidence will eventually exonerate them. Most of these people opt for a public defender, and they believe this is a good option since these legal servants are defending clients on a daily basis.

However, did you know that the average public defender is currently handling caseloads that are three times larger than recommended? When combined with the number of people wrongfully convicted in America, it becomes clear why working with a private practice Mesa criminal defense lawyer is critical if you’re hoping for a good result.

What Should You When Arrested for a Criminal Offense?

Whether someone is accused of drunk driving, drug crimes, aggravated murder, or anything in between, they’ll eventually be placed under criminal arrest by police officers. This can be an extremely frightening situation, and you may be unsure of what to do next.

This fear often leads defendants to make bad decisions, such as discussing their case with investigators or accepting a plea deal in the hopes of avoiding severe penalties. Mistakes will invariably happen, but if you’re being investigated or have been arrested, the following steps can minimize the potential for negative outcomes:

  • Remain calm and follow officer orders: Even if you’re certain of your innocence, arguing with police or resisting arrest will not lead to a positive result
  • Remain silent: The right to remain silent isn’t just something that exists in television shows. Do not provide any information other than what’s legally required
  • Ask for an attorney: You have the constitutional right to legal representation. Once you ask for an attorney, police cannot continue questioning you
  • Avoid talking about your case: Anything you say to the police, friends, cellmates, or even family could be used against you
  • Understand the charges against you: Knowing why you’re being charged is critical for building a solid legal defense
  • Make arrangements for bail: Loved ones or your Mesa criminal defense attorney could post bail on your behalf
  • Attend arraignment: This is your first court appearance, and charges will be formally presented. Plead “not guilty” unless otherwise advised by your lawyer
  • Gather evidence: Building a convincing case means gathering evidence. It’s best to have a legal professional handle this
  • Prepare your legal defense: Determining the appropriate legal strategy and compiling the evidence necessary to prove your case is critical
  • Attend all court dates: Missing even a single court date can result in additional consequences

Unfortunately, many people don’t know how important these steps are until it’s too late. For instance, it’s not uncommon for those accused of crimes to sit down for an interrogation with police. This is often done with the thought that they can prove they didn’t commit a crime, but this ignores the fact that police likely already assume their guilt.

Answering cops’ leading questions can only make things worse for you. Luckily, making such mistakes does not mean a conviction is unavoidable. It simply means your Mesa criminal defense lawyer will need to work a little harder.

At The Turner Law Firm, our dedicated team of legal professionals relishes this work. We put in maximum effort for each of our clients — because everyone deserves an experienced and committed legal defense. Contact us today to schedule your confidential consultation.

What Are the Potential Legal Outcomes of a Criminal Conviction?

Criminal cases in Arizona can be incredibly complex. This makes discussing potential penalties a difficult endeavor. This is especially true since defendants are often overcharged as a bargaining tactic for plea deals.

Also, various crimes are known as “wobblers” — meaning they can be charged as felonies or misdemeanors charges. Former prosecutors can attest to the fact that these nuances of the system are often used to stack the deck against the defendant. Still, understanding the potential penalties you might face is critical when going up against the government.

Misdemeanor Convictions

Misdemeanor offenses in Arizona are divided into several classes. The least serious of these is Class 3, yet a person could still find themselves in jail for up to 30 days along with facing expensive fines. A person charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor will find themselves in an even more difficult situation — potentially facing up to six months in jail. These penalties are all in addition to other potential sentencing, such as driver’s license suspension, community service, and probation.

Felony Convictions

Working with a Mesa criminal defense lawyer is always advisable — even when facing misdemeanor accusations. If you’re charged with a felony, though, legal representation is absolutely crucial. That’s because even the least severe felony (i.e., Class 6) can land a person in prison for up to two years.

If convicted of a Class 1 felony, a person will face life imprisonment at a minimum. At worst, the death penalty is possible. Add this to the loss of civil rights, potential listing on offender registries, and the long-term repercussions, and it becomes clear why securing legal representation is advisable.

Other Considerations

At The Turner Law Firm, we work to build personal relationships with each of our clients. In an effort to succeed in this endeavor, we are always straightforward and transparent with the reality of a client’s situation.

This means explaining other penalty considerations — such as the fact that prosecutors will often overcharge defendants to scare them into a plea deal. The government also frequently claims that aggravating factors exist in a situation. In doing so, they significantly increase the odds of a severe sentence. Again, this is all an effort to frighten defendants into pleading guilty without going to trial.

You don’t have to fall victim to these tactics. When you have an experienced Mesa criminal defense attorney represent you, you’ll have a legal advocate whose primary focus is serving your best interests. Contact the Turner Law Firm today to learn how we can help.

What Consequences Exist Outside the Criminal Justice System?

Mesa, AZ criminal law is obviously strict. The legal process is rife with hurdles, and those who are not properly prepared when forced into criminal courts can face substantial legal penalties. Unfortunately, any professional in the Arizona legal community can tell you that this is not where the repercussions end.

Whether you escaped the most serious legal consequences of a conviction or you’ve simply “served your time,” the real costs of a criminal record often do not become apparent until long after the prosecution secures a conviction.

From seemingly minor misdemeanors to major felony offenses, the non-legal outcomes of being convicted are often catastrophic:

  • Loss of employment
  • Difficulty finding a new job
  • Limited career advancement
  • Potential eviction from a rental property
  • Difficulty renting
  • Ineligibility for financial aid
  • College admission barriers
  • Loss of child custody and other family law issues
  • Community stigma
  • Reduced earning potential
  • Loss of rights (e.g., voting, firearms, etc.)
  • Immigration issues
  • Travel hurdles

A person doesn’t need to attend law school to understand how these outcomes could seriously disrupt someone’s life. Sadly, there’s not much that can be done to control these issues after the fact. Imagine looking up someone and seeing a conviction for white-collar crimes, drug offenses, violent acts, or even property crimes.

While there’s a lot of nuance to these situations and it’s a known fact that innocent people are sometimes convicted, the reality is that such a reputational stain does not go away so easily. Fortunately, an experienced Mesa criminal defense attorney may be able to help you avoid this.

Contact The Turner Law Firm today to discuss how we can help.

Should You Accept a Plea Deal?

One of the main reasons people forgo hiring criminal law attorneys in Arizona is the belief that a conviction is unavoidable. They might look at the case against them and think, “My best possible option is to accept a plea deal that reduces potential sentencing.”

With the prosecutor telling them that a conviction is unavoidable and that penalties will be worse if they go to trial, it makes sense that someone might want to accept a plea arrangement. If you decide that this is the route to go, do you really need an experienced lawyer to handle the issue?

This is a very valid question, and there’s a lot to unpack when answering it. First and foremost, it’s critical that you recognize that there’s no such thing as an “open and shut” case. The prosecutor might be ready to present evidence that’s overwhelmingly against you, but independent investigations conducted by skilled Mesa criminal lawyers can often uncover evidence that exonerates you. Your lawyer may also identify procedural issues or constitutional violations, and in these instances, it’s not uncommon for cases to be thrown out entirely.

Of course, there are times when a conviction for criminal charges will be difficult to avoid. In such situations, a plea agreement may be in a person’s best interest. However, it’s important to understand that the prosecution is unlikely to offer a fair deal from the start.

Having a lawyer handle plea negotiations on their behalf can increase a person’s odds of securing the most favorable outcome possible. Plea deals are common in criminal cases, but at The Turner Law Firm, we’ll help you understand all your options and how to best move forward.

What’s the Best Defense Strategy for Criminal Charges?

When you discuss your case with a criminal defense lawyer, one of the most important subjects will be potential legal strategies. The prosecution is required to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and a sound legal strategy can interfere with their ability to do this.

It’s advisable to schedule a consultation with an experienced criminal defense attorney to discuss the specifics of your case. After all, legal strategies are not “one size fits all,” and the best approach in any given case will depend heavily on the circumstances surrounding that case.

Still, understanding the potential strategic defense arguments available to you can be helpful:

  • Lack of evidence
  • Self-defense or defense of others
  • Consent of the alleged victim
  • Accidents or mistakes
  • Crime committed under duress or coercion
  • Alibi evidence
  • Entrapment
  • Crime of necessity
  • Expiration of statute of limitations
  • Evidentiary issues (e.g., faulty equipment, contaminated samples)
  • Insanity defense
  • Constitutional violations
  • Double jeopardy
  • Lack of criminal intent

While every defense strategy mentioned here has been successful at exonerating accused individuals in the past, there’s no guarantee that they’ll work in every case. For instance, a claim of self-defense could be wholly ignored if the jury sees video evidence proving otherwise — and a DUI defense strategy focused on faulty equipment may fall flat if records show that the device was properly functioning during the arrest.

Put simply, it’s important to have a Mesa, AZ criminal law attorney review your case to help decide on the appropriate defense. At The Turner Law Firm, we’ll help you fight back against the full force of the government.

Contact Our Skilled Criminal Defense Attorneys in Mesa, AZ Today

Regardless of the defense strategy used in your case, the underlying goal is always to secure the dismissal of charges or acquittal by the court system. Unfortunately, building a compelling criminal defense case can be an uphill battle.

Most people haven’t practiced criminal law their entire lives, and even those who are in legal careers typically seek outside representation when charged with serious crimes. This is because our freedoms are too important to be left to chance. That’s why everyone facing criminal cases in Mesa, AZ should secure legal counsel.

At The Turner Law Firm, PLLC, you’ll work with a team of experienced Mesa criminal defense lawyers who will stop at nothing to secure a favorable outcome on your behalf. Prosecutors are tasked with proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and if they can’t meet this threshold, then a conviction is never appropriate.

Criminal Defense Lawyer Mesa

Our law firm will not accept unfair penalties on your behalf just to speed things along. When you secure legal representation at our law firm — whether for traffic offenses or a serious violent crime — you’re getting a partner who will fight relentlessly for your legal rights.

Contact us at (623) 253-8718 to discuss your case during a confidential consultation.