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Criminal Speeding Attorney in Glendale, AZ

Knowledgeable and Dedicated Legal Representation for Every Client

While getting a traffic ticket can create a variety of headaches, not many people view them as criminal matters. In most cases, this assumption is absolutely correct. Unfortunately, this is not always true under Arizona criminal law. In fact, certain factors involved in a speeding ticket can actually result in a person having a permanent criminal record. This is true even if other charges – such as reckless driving or DUI – are not involved. If you have been charged with a misdemeanor traffic offense, it’s important to understand your options. A Glendale criminal speeding lawyer may be able to help.

At The Turner Law Firm, PLLC, our dedicated team of criminal defense attorneys has seen lives permanently disrupted over what should be little more than a speeding ticket. There are no doubt certain rules of the road that should be followed, and it’s understandable that penalties would be in place when such rules are violated. However, the potential consequences of a criminal speeding citation in Arizona cannot be overstated. They’re disruptive at best, but in many cases, they’re absolutely devastating. The word “devastating” may sound strange for a traffic offense, but the descriptor certainly fits.

If you’re hoping to avoid serious penalties, contact our criminal speeding lawyers in Glendale, AZ today.

What Is Criminal Speeding, and Why Is It a Crime?

The overwhelming majority of Americans will be issued a traffic citation at some point in their lives. When this happens, there are certainly consequences that aren’t fun to live with. You could face serious fines, traffic school requirements, and have points applied to your driver’s license. Even worse, these points will frequently result in higher insurance rates. Still, a traffic ticket is usually nothing more than a civil violation. This is not considered a crime. However, this is not the case for criminal speeding charges in Arizona. These are criminal charges, and the allegation can stem from a variety of factors:

  • School zone driving above 35 MPH
  • Speeding in residential or business areas at least 20 MPH above the limit
  • Driving faster than 85 MPH anywhere in Arizona

Clearly, these violations would be seen as more severe than other citations in most areas. Due to the strict nature of Arizona law, though, such actions constitute a criminal act. Anyone convicted of the crime will have to live with a misdemeanor conviction on their record. This can lead to more than just criminal sentencing; it can cause a ripple that emanates throughout the rest of a person’s life. To be clear, it’s a good idea to hire an Arizona traffic violation attorney even for a regular speeding ticket — but if you’re charged with a misdemeanor, a Glendale criminal speeding lawyer is critical.

At The Turner Law Firm, we’ll work hard to help you beat these charges — and if a conviction is unavoidable, we’ll aggressively advocate to secure reduced penalties on your behalf.

Can You Be Arrested for Speeding in Arizona?

The idea of being pulled over for driving too fast and ending your day behind bars is a terrifying thought. Unfortunately, such outcomes are not unheard of. As a misdemeanor offense, criminal speeding can lead to being placed under arrest and incarcerated. That means someone could legitimately go to jail for driving 45 MPH if they didn’t realize they were in a school zone. However, most people don’t realize that being “under arrest” isn’t the same as being detained and incarcerated.

That’s because receiving a criminal speeding traffic citation technically means you’re under arrest. The big difference between this and other crimes is that criminal speeding is often a “cite and release” violation. That means you’ll be given a court date and allowed to continue on with your day. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out like this. Officers have a tremendous amount of discretion, and many will take a person to jail if any of the following factors exist:

  • Speeding well above the posted limit or in hazardous conditions
  • Speeding was in addition to other crimes (e.g., DUI, reckless driving)
  • The driver refused to cooperate with the police

Any of these scenarios greatly increases the likelihood that officers will affect an arrest. In a best-case scenario, you’ll be able to go home. However, do not assume that this means you’ve received a basic civil traffic citation. In addition to the potential for jail time – even if you weren’t initially detained – other criminal penalties far exceed those of civil citations. This is why working with a criminal speeding lawyer in Glendale from the moment you’re ticketed is essential. At The Turner Law Firm, we’ll fight to help you avoid conviction and guide you through the difficulties ahead.

Arizona Criminal Speeding Conviction Penalties

Anyone who has ever received a speeding ticket in Arizona already knows some of the basic penalties for criminal speeding. Like a civil citation, individuals convicted of this misdemeanor offense will be on the hook for ticket fines, get points added to their driver’s license, and maybe even have to pay for defensive driving classes out of their own pocket. Their insurance rates will likely also increase, and this could mean years of unexpected lost income. While these outcomes might seem bad enough, Arizona law treats individuals convicted of criminal speeding even worse:

  • Ticket fines increase
  • Court fees and fine surcharges are possible
  • Additional points added to driver’s license
  • Increased insurance rates are likely
  • Up to one month of jail time
  • Community service
  • One year of probation

While on probation, any future arrests or charges can worsen the potential consequences of conviction. A criminal history is often seen as an aggravating factor in sentencing decisions. Additionally, failing to meet the requirements of probation can result in being arrested for a probation violation. It might sound crazy that a speeding ticket could affect a person’s life to this degree, but that’s the reality of Arizona traffic laws. Therefore, it only makes sense to work with a Glendale criminal speeding attorney. The legal team at The Turner Law Firm is on standby and ready to assist.

Contact us today to schedule your in-depth case review.

What Are Indirect Consequences of Criminal Speeding Charges?

When someone is convicted of a serious crime, their criminal record follows them forever. In Arizona, there is no option for record expungement. Instead, they can be “set aside” — but this doesn’t actually erase what happened from a criminal record. It’s not uncommon for someone convicted of a violent or financial crime to have trouble seeking housing, employment, and student loans, in addition to encountering many other hurdles. While it might seem nonsensical that such an outcome would affect someone convicted of speeding, their reality isn’t that different:

  • Employment challenges: Any criminal record can reflect negatively on a person during an employment screening. Positions of high responsibility or that involve driving will be the most affected
  • Insurance coverage denial: Many people will only see their insurance rates go up, but some may actually be denied auto insurance in the future
  • Loss of license: Criminal speeding is unlikely to result in a license suspension on its own, but once enough points are accumulated, the risk increases
  • Educational issues: Some universities or programs have strict conduct policies that may deny a person’s admission, regardless of the severity of their misdemeanor
  • Housing: Landlords frequently conduct background screenings, and they may prefer someone who has no criminal history
  • Immigration issues: For non-citizens, a criminal speeding conviction could complicate immigration manners, particularly if it’s part of a pattern of bad behavior
  • Family law issues: A criminal conviction of any severity could be used in child custody cases and other family law matters to showcase poor judgment

No one would deny the fact that criminal speeding is a far cry from a high-level misdemeanor or felony. However, a criminal conviction is a criminal conviction. A person doesn’t have to have a homicide or burglary on their record to encounter difficulties based on a criminal record. If you or a loved one have been charged with this crime, a Glendale criminal speeding attorney can review your case and help you understand all your options. It may be possible to secure reduced sentencing, and in some cases, your criminal defense lawyer could even have the case thrown out entirely.

Are There Valid Legal Defenses for Criminal Speeding in Arizona?

So, you’ve been cited or detained for criminal speeding in Glendale. You’re undoubtedly worried about what comes next and may even think a conviction is unavoidable. After all, the police officer said they clocked you at a dangerous speed – and under the law, that means you’re guilty. Right? As it turns out, even traffic violations are not guaranteed to result in a conviction — and the best legal defenses don’t require any tricks, like hoping the officer doesn’t show up to court.

Consider some of the best defense strategies for criminal speeding:

  • Radar devices are improperly calibrated or faulty
  • Environmental factors (e.g., traffic, weather) interfered with speed reading
  • The officer was not properly trained with the detection device
  • Procedural errors occurred
  • The defendant’s constitutional rights were violated
  • Errors in the citation
  • Zones improperly classified
  • Inadequate proof of speeding
  • Signage issues (e.g., missing, damaged)

These defense strategies are more than just options when you’re going to court. They’re hope. They’re an opportunity to avoid criminal penalties that could follow you for a lifetime. However, do not make the mistake of thinking that you can pick a strategy at random to avoid a conviction. Any defense must be catered to the circumstances of your case, and your Glendale criminal speeding attorney can make sure this happens.

Don’t make the mistake of treating this like a typical speeding ticket. Contact us today to learn how we can help.

Contact a Glendale Criminal Speeding Lawyer Today

No one experiences any positive feelings when they see police cruiser lights flashing in their rearview mirror. The likelihood of a person’s day going downhill is extreme, but sadly, many people don’t realize just how serious such an event can be. If you’re cited for criminal speeding – even if you’re not taken to jail – you’re now in a fight against the legal system. If you’re unable to overcome this challenge, what might seem like nothing more than a speeding ticket could cause lasting negative consequences to your life. Fortunately, this is not a reality you must accept – help is available.

At The Turner Law Firm, our dedicated legal team handles criminal cases of all severity. Just because your case focuses on speeding does not mean it will receive less attention than more serious charges at our law firm. We’ll work hard to secure a favorable outcome on your behalf. Sometimes, this might mean accepting a plea deal to avoid the worst possible penalties – but in other situations, we may be able to have the charges against you dropped entirely. Regardless, we’ll fight for the best possible result.

Contact us at (480) 568-5590 to schedule your confidential consultation with an experienced Glendale criminal speeding lawyer.